Low biological fluctuation of mitochondrial CpG and non-CpG methylation at the single-molecule level

Goldsmith, C; Rodriguez-Aguilera, JR; El-Rifai, I; Jarretier-Yuste, A; Hervieu, V; Raineteau, O; Saintigny, P; De Sanchez, VC; Dante, R; Ichim, G; Hernandez-Vargas, H

Goldsmith, C; Hernandez-Vargas, H (corresponding author), Univ Lyon, Ctr Leon Berard, UCBL1,TGF Beta & Immunoregulat Team,Dept Tumor Es, Canc Res Ctr Lyon CRCL,INSERM 1052,CNRS UMR 5286, 28 Rue Laennec, F-69373 Lyon 08, France.; Hernandez-Vargas, H (corresponding author), Ctr Leon Berard, Dept Translat Med, Lyon, France.



Mammalian cytosine DNA methylation (5mC) is associated with the integrity of the genome and the transcriptional status of nuclear DNA. Due to technica......

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