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Living on the Edge of Possibility Ethical Issues in the Care of Critically Ill Patients in Resource-Limited Settings

期刊: CRITICAL CARE CLINICS, 2022; 38 (4)

The birth of critical care medicine as a specialty and the subsequent progress in HIC in the ability to care for critically ill patients shows recurri......


Genetic Defects that Predispose to Serious Viral Infections

期刊: CRITICAL CARE CLINICS, 2022; 38 (2)

A protective immune response to viruses involves both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Viruses are first detected when cells recognize evolutio......


Common Presentations of Rare Drug Reactions and Atypical Presentations of Common Drug Reactions in the Intensive Care Unit

期刊: CRITICAL CARE CLINICS, 2022; 38 (2)

Clinicians in the intensive care unit (ICU) must be facile in the diagnosis and management of rare disorders. The pace and complexity of patient care ......


Subtypes and Mimics of Sepsis

期刊: CRITICAL CARE CLINICS, 2022; 38 (2)

center dot Inflammation is central to many acute conditions, ranging from infection to sterile tissue injury to rheumatic diseases and to drug/toxin r......


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